Strategic Planning
Institutional Assessment
Board Development and Governance
Fundraising / Development
Program Development
Marketing and Media Relations
Community Relations
Government Relations
Executive Coaching
Government Relations
The same precepts apply here as with community and media relations. Get to know your elected officials and get them to know you – and do not overlook their staff. Geoff Platt’s role as Director of Government Affairs for the American Association of Museums, as well as serving as chief of staff for a Member of Congress, along with his service in state government, gives him special insight into managing the interface between nonprofits and government. Geoff’s record in advocacy led him to be chosen by the State Department in 2003 to visit two African countries, Malawi and Lesotho, to lead citizen advocacy workshops for non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Even with government funding currently under severe pressure, establishing strong relations with government at all levels remains an important activity for all nonprofits.