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Marketing and Media Relations

Whether it is fund-raising or programming, nothing significant can be accomplished without the public knowing about it. Marketing, the process of informing target audiences about who and what you are and do, is a critical skill for any nonprofit. The means of marketing takes many forms – press releases, signs, brochures, e-mail “blasts,” and now, the “social media,” such as Facebook and Twitter. Geoff most recently established a modernized marketing program at Boscobel utilizing up-to-date techniques. A sometimes overlooked marketing channel is simple word of mouth. Creating a positive “buzz” in the community about what your organization is doing goes a long way towards building an audience. Board, volunteers, staff and audience are important players in the “buzz game.”

Knowing personally the players in the local media, both print and electronic, is an important part of a marketing strategy. Gaining a place in the highly competitive arena of getting attention, calls for you making some personal connection with writers, producers and editors. Invitations to visit your facility, a cup of coffee to chat or even good rapport over the phone or e-mail are techniques to move your organization closer to important media outlets.

Geoffrey Platt Consulting | 5142 Worthington Drive | Bethesda, MD 20816 | info@geoffreyplattconsulting.com | 1.845.800.8855
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